Why is a White man's future considered
Yet a Black man's past is uncovered?
Haven't both done wrong?
Don't both need to atone?
White boy, shoots down school:
"He didn't mean to, he's mental"
We'll help him
Black boy, walking, wearing a hood:
"He looks suspicious, let's stop and search"
We'll arrest him.
White mother, pays thousands
Just to forge daughter's grades
Sentenced to twelve months
But only serves fourteen days
Black mother, homeless, lies about state
Just to get daughter a better education
It was only just a lie
Gets five years imprisonment.
Why are we treated differently?
Why are we punished harsher?
Aren't we humans like you?
Aren't we humans too?
Please tell us
Olivia Opara
[Image by 177789 from Pixabay]