A poem about the Pandemic
And the World came to
A halt.
Still spinning. Still turning.
Quick! Go inside
Lock the doors
Rushed goodbyes
Lillies of fears grew
Like towers that touch
The skies as loneliness
Creeped in wearing a disguise:
“It won’t be that long”
Longing. Hoping
For this all to end for
They really do miss
Their friends who stand
Two, no, twenty,
Two-hundred metres apart
“Heylo, how are you?”
They check in every
Day or two
But they still yearn to go back
To school
Not until June
Perhaps September
Just before winter returns
“So, smile. Don't you worry”
In isolation they learn
To love as Families
Appreciate their Familial bonds
Whilst those not made of blood
Miss those they wish to hug
But they will meet again
One day If they stay inside
And obey for:
“Staying home, saves lives”
For in trying times is when
A community flourishes
As the warriors of today
Are not armed with guns
But offer beds to the sick
Both Old and Young
Wow! Beautiful